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Friday, January 21, 2011

Asian Rhinoplasty

Compared to other ethnic groups Asian nose often lacks projection in the tip and is more wide in the nasal bridge. Surgery involves inserting the synthetic implant (such as Silastic or Gortex) under local anesthesia, which is a technically simple procedure. Some patients might not be ready for surgery and non-surgical rhinoplasty is a quick and affordable alternative. Here's another case of nose augmentation with Radiesse semi-permanent filler. Results last about a year.

Before: nasal tip lacks projection                    After: better projection of the nasal tip

Before: nasal dorsum is wide                              After: nasal dorsum is thinner and longer


  1. The result of the rhinoplasty surgery is really great ans it was seem easily for these images. Really very nice result.

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  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Asian rhinoplasty is very successful and effective for treating damaged nose and nasal condition.

  4. Surgical procedure requires getting the artificial enhancement under regional what about anesthesia which is a technologically simple process.

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  5. Nose reshaping otherwise known as nasal area medical procedures, or nasal area job in Indian is the most popular surgical treatment process.It is a process that reshapes and redrapes the nasal area in order to get a more symmetrical related and vivid countenance and for efficient requirements.

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