Freshen Up!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Liquid facelift Boston Sculptra

This is how a vial of Sculptra looks: subtle demure softness &  freshness of a chiseled beautiful to begin with face, non-surgical facelift is our specialty #boston #facelift #face #sculptra #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Non surgical rhinoplasty boston

Little tweak to soften the lines of the nose is in order for another stunning patient of mine, non-surgical rhinoplasty is our specialty #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane #radiesse #botox

Corrective non surgical rhinoplasty

It's been an impressive influx of corrective cases after surgical rhinoplasties lately, here's another overresected tip of the nose that appeared crooked. Restylane was used to fix the asymmetry and pull the tip back to the midline. #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane #radiesse #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane #radiesse #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane #radiesse #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kylie Jenner lips Boston lip augmentation

My patients often ask me if I do my lips, no I don't. Next question 'can I have lips like yours?'  'yes you can!' #lip
#augmentation #boston #facelift #face #radiesse #juvederm #botox #sculptra #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dark circles under eyes Boston correction Restylane

Dark circles under eyes can be corrected with Restylane, it's of the the few places in the face where hyaluronic acid based filler lasts a full year and sometimes longer. #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lip plumping boston

So, guys do approve lip plumping! #lip #augmentation #boston #facelift #face #radiesse #juvederm #botox #sculptra #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane

Friday, April 10, 2015

Face slimming boston newton botox jaw reduction

Face slimming/non-surgical jaw reduction, before and 5 months after full dose, great results! #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar #restylane #radiesse #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation

Monday, April 6, 2015

Non-surgical rhinoplasty nosejob Boston Newton

5 years ago this pretty girl was my test model &  first patient to undergo non  - surgical rhinoplasty (nosejob). Since then there have been hundreds of lifted tips, concealed bumps, contoured dorsums &  many happy patients! That video got over 12,000 hits & many followers. I've seen her today for the same procedure, she felt it was faster & less painful than last time, here's her beautiful angelic face again, five years later #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra

Friday, April 3, 2015

Non-surgical rhinoplasty nosejob Boston Newton

Bulbous to pointy in minutes,  non-surgical rhinoplasty is a cool way to feel more attractive instantly or 'try it on'  for an event or before surgery. And when my patients fall in love with results there's permanent fda approved fillers.

Another fun rewarding reconstructive non-surgical rhinoplasty: rebuilding ethnic nose after surgical overdone nosejob using permanent Artefill #boston #rhinoplasty #nosejob #alternative #injection #expert #newton #asymmetry #correction #reconstruction #hiv #lips #eyes #beauty #taste #youth #young #proportion #selfesteem #juvederm #belotero #merz #galderma #allergan #botox #sculptra #chin #augmentation #jaw #reduction #face #slimming #visagesculpture #mashabanar